Finding an outlier using Cook’s distance
A Cook’s distance greater than 1 is a sign that this data point (or random factor) is having a disproportionate influence on your model and should be looked into. Note: I’m not normally a fan of removing data without a valid reason, for me, you need both a statistical and experimental reason for removal.
#Loading data example<- read.table(url(""), header=T) example$ID<-as.factor(example$ID)
#Running a model require(lme4) lme1<-lmer(Dependent~1 + Factor1*Factor2+(1|ID), data=example, na.action=na.omit)
#Looking for large Cook distances require(influence.ME) infl <- influence(lme1, obs = TRUE) cooks.distance(infl) plot(infl, which = "cook")