Exploration of RNAseq and Epidemiological datasets

Utilizing R statistical software and Shiny R package I’ve developed web apps for the exploration of RNAseq and epidemiological datasets.

Not all NSAIDs are the same: Differing effects of pain-relieving drugs on cognitive decline in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset.


Rivers-Auty J, Mather AE, Peters R, Lawrence CB, Brough D (2018) Use of common pain relieving drugs correlates with altered progression of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 14 (7):P1337-P1338

Small, Thin Graphene Oxide is Anti-inflammatory Activating NRF2 via Metabolic Reprogramming. LPS iBMDMs with and without graphene oxide.


Hoyle C, Rivers-Auty J, Lemarchand E, Vranic S, Wang E, Buggio M, Rothwell N, Allan S, Kostarelos K, Brough D (2018) Small, Thin Graphene Oxide Is Anti-Inflammatory Activating Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Related Factor 2 (NRF2) Via Metabolic Reprogramming. ACS Nano. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b03642

Haley et al. WT microglia vs NLRP3-/- microglia (not cage mates) https://braininflammationgroup-universityofmanchester.shinyapps.io/NLRP3KOmicroglia/

Dewhurst et al. Liver homogenate and hepatocytes with and without gene deletion https://braininflammationgroup-universityofmanchester.shinyapps.io/Dewhurst-et-al-Correlation/

Tissue-resident macrophages in the intestine are long lived and defined by Tim-4 and CD4 expression

Shaw TN, Houston SA, Wemyss K, Bridgeman HM, Barbera TA, Zangerle-Murray T, Strangward P, Ridley AJL, Wang P, Tamoutounour S, Allen JE, Konkel JE, Grainger JR (2018) Tissue-resident macrophages in the intestine are long lived and defined by Tim-4 and CD4 expression. J Exp Med 215 (6):1507-1518. doi:10.1084/jem.20180019

Zinc deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Hippocampus homogenate – effects of APP/PS1 genotype and zinc deficiency.

Rivers-Auty J, White C, Beattie J, Brough D, and Lawrence C. 2017. [Poster Presentation] Zinc deficiency accelerates Alzheimer’s phenotype in the APP/PS1 mouse model. Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference. Aberdeen, UK.

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